School violence and imbalance of educational values
The school as a social institution is interested in educating children on moral principles and adhering them to community values and standards, As well as teaching children reading, writing and calculating further more teaching religious, historical and linguistic knowledge. The increasing policy of educational reforms in Algerian School has become a field to exercise school violence in various forms, These immoral practices can be interpreted by human self-conflict with the real world that lives among its aspects, furthermore human when he pushed by his desires to achieve a certain things that maybe collides down with a psychological conflict between what he feels and the concrete reality, So try to draw attention with various movements, signals, gestures imitation, and simulation of others even insurgency on colleagues and teachers, and expresses this behavior, reflects threatening, insulting, and broken school property and insurgency on school laws and their internal regulations so the decline ethical values and instability constitutes a dysfunction on the educational system.
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