The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital Dimensions on Organizational Creativity
The current study essays to identify the observed changes that the dimensions of positive psychological capital bring about through its effect on organizational creativity. To achieve the goals of this study, the researchers rely on the descriptive approach, and a random sample consisting of (79) workers is chosen, with points of sale for the brand Defacto in Algeria located in Algiers, Blida, Ain Defla, Mostaganem and Oran. The questionnaire is used as a tool to collect data, and after checking its psychometric properties, it is applied to the basic study sample. We analyze the data using the necessary statistic methods, and by relying on the Statistical Package Program for Social Sciences, we conclude that the dimensions of positive psychological capital combined affect organizational creativity. Indeed, there are four dimensions to positive psychological capital, at the top of the list was flexibility, followed by hope, self-efficacy and lastly optimism. However, the results showed that this latter is not statistically significant, since the calculated significance levels were greater than level (05.), which indicates that there is no statistical significance to the effect of optimism on organizational creativity from the perspective of workers.
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