Modern linguistic research under th islamization of knowledge abdul rahman al-hajSaleh as a model
The Algerian linguistAbdulrahman al-Hajj SalihFormulated a grammatical theory"Modern theory Alkhaliliat",isaiming to re-read the original Arabiclinguisticheritage. This is not a victory for the old, and no purpose to talk, but to seek to alert onscientificbreakthrough and Islamicknowledge, whichwascharacterized by the research "Sebwayh", and "khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi", and his disciples, In the history of the science of the humantongue, after the injustice of some modern scholars, Whowereinfluenced by modern Western approaches, Thuspresenting the scientist as a model for investing the results of Western researchintoheritagereading, Reading the printing of the syllabus in Islamiclanguage, preserving the heritage of itsprivacy, and adding to it the modernityat the same time. The researchtackles the problematicrelationshipbetweenthistheory and the Arablinguisticheritagewithin the framework of whatistodaycalled the Islamization of knowledge, through the most important concepts such as: the concept of example, the position, the concept of the word, origin and branch, to emphasize the rooting concepts and Islamism in the thought of Abd Rahman Al Haj Saleh. As allowed by the mechanisms of the descriptive approach, and the analyticalapproachused in thisstudy
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