Islamic intellectual project: from the scattered diligences to the Islamization of knowledge
The stampede between the right and wrong in directing knowledge is an old
matter that started with our master Adam, peace be upon him while he was in
heaven, when Satan whispered to him in order to get him out of it envy and
arrogance, and this stampede continued throughout the successive historical eras,
each time the devil succeeds in distorting knowledge of its path, God Almighty
consecrates The Almighty will return it to its correct path, whether it is human or
human. And the contemplative of ancient cultures touches this stampede even
within one civilization. The Greek culture began a pagan Sabian and did not accept
the doctrine of creation from nothing, so its early philosophers - so-called natural
philosophers - spent a period of time proving that the origin of the universe is
matter, the situation continued like this until Pythagoras came between To the
people that this vast universe was created by God Almighty from scratch, then the
sophists came and distorted knowledge once again from its correct path and restored
the origin of the universe to matter, eliminated everything related to revelation and
heaven, and made man the measure of all things, then Socrates and Plato came and
tried to return it to its righteousness Ih.
With the advent of Islam, a scientific revolution took place that went beyond
the ancient knowledge that was confined to the vocabulary of Aristotle and Plato,
to a new scientific knowledge based on an accurate scientific approach, and directed
Islamic guidance, but it soon moved to the West through the major cultural centers
of Toledo and Constantinople and was filtered from all its Islamic dimensions And
directing it according to the religions adopted by the West, and deluded us that what
it does of objective and scientific studies and research and the truth is otherwise, so
the modern man has brought these directed sciences to direct a Western ideology to
what it is of corruption of values and a state of absolute nihilism. From these starting
points, the project of Islamization of knowledge came to redirect human knowledge
a correct Islamic orientation in order to save humanity from discord, calamity and
From it we form: Is knowledge of an Islamic nature? If so: How was it
transformed and reoriented by the West when it held the reins of civilization? How
did the West succeed in making us believe that science is objective? What are the
first jurisprudence that attempted to redirect knowledge Islamic guidance? How did
the idea of an Islamic knowledge project take shape? Have they matured in all their
introduce the Islamic thought project in the era of orientation to collect scattered
jurisprudence and establish the Islamization of knowledge or Islamic knowledge.
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