Unification or communication in the sufi experience

  • Nedjette BELHAMAME University of Oran 2 (Algeria)
  • Mohamed BENMOHAMED University of Oran 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: unification, Sufi experience, divine presence, the world of change, detector


 The experience of communion or communication is at the heart of Sufi experience, since the Sufis, unlike the philosophers and religious theologians, say that there is no metaphysical GOP between the divine presence and the world of change and that there is a possibility of eliminating the division between the conscious self and the subject of perception through. the experience of communion or communication which takes place on the level of will, feeling and conscience. The unification is based on overcoming the mystic to the sense of difference and in abundance and in particular. The Sufi connection is meant to be a popular connection through the lights and the lights where the exposure occurs and the facts appear


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How to Cite
BELHAMAME, N., & BENMOHAMED, M. (1). Unification or communication in the sufi experience. Social Sciences Journal, 12(3), 290-299. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2354