An analytical theoretical study through the legislative texts of adapted education in Algeria
Algerian educational system always seeks to instill values, knowledge and skills in pupils by providing material and moral conditions and possibilities, and works hard to meet their educational needs, as its quest was not limited to ordinary pupils, but also concerned with pupils who suffer from many educational problems, the most important of which is the delay and dropout of school, which have had a negative impact on the pupil, parents and the educational family alike. Educational and enables him to adapt to his school environment, gives him the ability to keep up with the lessons, makes him control the educational material, and avoids failing for many times, so adapted education was one of the most prominent pedagogical solutions that work to help students overcome educational difficulties, develop their skills, highlight their abilities, build their competencies, and integrate into regular educational classes, and this is the biggest goal behind the application of adapted education, and in what we said this We will try to present and analyze the most important ministerial leaflets that came in the form of legislative texts that explain what adapted education is, define its objectives and reveal how it is medically available on the ground within the Algerian primary school.
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