The role of the mother in the rehabilitation of her autistic son between challenges and confrontation
The subject of the study focused on the role of the mother in the rehabilitation of her autistic son between challenges and confrontation, where it aims to shed light on what the mother plays in the role of rehabilitation, especially since there are challenges that force him to overcome and face him in the service of his autistic son, Lack of social relationships, communication and conversation, with many abnormal behaviors and deviations from normal growth, To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive approach and a questionnaire tool were used on a sample of 32 mothers to find out their responses. A set of statistical methods was used to collect, display and analyze data for discussion through which we concluded that the mother has an important role in the rehabilitation of her autistic son, both facing challenges and also his role of qualifying his autistic child by coordinating the work with specialists in this field in order to integrate him into society and minimize his dependence on others.
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