Parental directions related to treatment methods towards a child with autism spectrum a field study in the psychopedagogical center 1 and 2 in Laghouat

  • Abdelkader LAIB University of Skikda (Algeria)
  • Zahra BENHAFAFE Pedagogical Psychological Center 1 Laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: parental directions, autism spectrum, psychopedagogical center, treatment mothers


This study purposed to realing the attitude's nature towardsthe styles of parental treatement with the autistic child(normal and abnormal treatements); and for realising the study goal; the descriptive approach that trust on analysing of the facts, this study is applicated on a sample composed of forty  autistic chid's parents(20 fathers and 20 mothers

In all statement of study we trusted on realising a questionnaire about the attitudes towards the parental treatement methods towards the autistic child, and finally we reached the following results:

existance the abnormals attitudes of parental treatement toward the autistic child like the overprotection style (60% frome the study sample).

existance the normal attitudes of parental statement toward the autistic child like the egality style (60% frome study sample).


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How to Cite
LAIB, A., & BENHAFAFE, Z. (2022). Parental directions related to treatment methods towards a child with autism spectrum a field study in the psychopedagogical center 1 and 2 in Laghouat. Social Sciences Journal, 16(3(Special), 119-131.