The Strategic Behavior of Business Leaders with regard to the Daip Professional Integration Assistance Scheme - Case Study: The Wilaya of Bejaia -
The concept of the professional insertion is well and more complicated than one might
think. It is an over all complex process. It is true that in Algeria, the work market seems to be
exclusively governed by the simple ¨offer and demand¨ policy, but it is actually more complex
than what one might think. It is a network composed of many actors that are: the state, the
business leaders and the young graduated students. Within this network, interactions between
the actors occur (embeddedness). Each one try to satisfy his needs and reach his goals by
using different and appropriate strategies. In this paper, we will only examine the strategies
developed by the business leaders of the different legal sectors (administrative, private
economic and public economic) vis-à-vis the DAIP. Is they will play the game to participate
in the reduction of the rate of unemployment in general and particularly that of graduated
students by creating stable and lasting jobs?
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