The role of the family and the school in developing the dialogue skills of secondary school students

  • Mustapha Mohamed REKHAMIA Damascus University (Syria)
Keywords: Dialogue, family, school, culture of dialogue


This study tackles the role of both the family and the school in developing the skills of
dialogue among high school students, and the competencies necessary for the teacher to carry
out his role in teaching his student the language of dialogue. . The research ends with a
summary of the importance of interaction and constant communication between the school
and the family to work together to spread the culture of dialogue among students. Research is
a theoretical argument that hopes to be the starting point for other theoretical and field


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How to Cite
REKHAMIA, M. M. (1). The role of the family and the school in developing the dialogue skills of secondary school students. Social Sciences Journal, 11(4), 25-34. Retrieved from