The family capital and social ambition of the university student: A field study on a sample of students at the University of Ammar Tleji in Laghouat
The act of selecting the social ambition is a result of a long time thinking.It starts from
the youth,it is basically a group of knowledge visions that each individual carries,until it
transforms into a realistic affected result , sooner enough it either get achieved or failed It
can be noticed when family starts sacrificing and suffering for their children's own good in
certain periods of life, and the pressure gets heavier when those individuals actually are
about to pass through certain educational phase or an important competitions of employment
or some specific occasions which are related to ambition. There for, the mechanism of
perception and controlling gets more serious, so as the sons are highly demanded to work
hard to insure reaching the goal. Moreover , this whole concept of selecting the ambition
relays on the cultural fund and the social and thoughtful sources that control society , in
addition to the other part which relays on the personal features each individual has. It is
known that the development of each society, does not overcome coincidentally nor randomly
especially for the Algerian society all over ages , which follows basically some aspects and
social genres that fit with the social movement and make it unique by its principals ,
traditions ,and the brilliant thoughts which classify the levels of ambition and its
references.These references provide us as sociologists to study this topic and analyse it
variously.While some theories show other sides and the specific changes in order to focus on
the cultural fund and on the sociological features that are involved directly at building this
phenomena for showing it results among individuals,families ,and society in general.
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