The level of psychological security among a sample of workers in the health sector in the city of Laghouat

  • Mohamed DAOUDI جامعة الأغواط (الجزائر)
  • Messaouda BENSAYEH University of laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: Psychological security, workers, health sector


This study aims to know the psychological level of security in a sample of workers in the
health sector in Laghouat, and also to know the differences between the workers in the
psychological level of security according to the variables of sex and profession, and to
achieve the purposes of research has been to rely on descriptive analytical method, the
sample consisted of 182 workers in the health sector in Laghouat. After collecting data, we
discharged and treated them statistically using the statics program (SPSS), and was reached
the following results:
1. A high level of psychological sense of security in a sample of workers in the health
sector inLaghouat.
2. The lack of differences in the level of psychological security among workers in the
health sector Laghouat depending on the intermediate variables (sex - profession).


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How to Cite
DAOUDI, M., & BENSAYEH, M. (1). The level of psychological security among a sample of workers in the health sector in the city of Laghouat. Social Sciences Journal, 11(3), 279-298. Retrieved from