Technology transfer to developing countries between the inevitability of the dependency school and the logic of historical specificity

  • Soha HAMZAOUI University of Khanechla ( Algeria)
Keywords: Technology, developing countries, school


Technological progress created wide and complicated social changes that have led to
the development of means of communication, and the emergence of cultural differentiation
of the social classes and urban and rural communities. Parallel with this technological
progress widened to talk about the mechanics of the transfer of technology,
thinkers and theoreticians had divergent views about the nature of this imported
technology, and their impact on the social and economic system for developing countries .
and given the developing countries of structural and cultural characteristics due to the
historical specificity , the conceptual visualization forces rely on historical and cultural
specifities to understand the reality of technological development , and show the
mechanics of it within the industrial institutions in the current global development , and
مجلة العلوم االجتماعية العدد 21 نوفمبر 2016 62
their rapid transformation in various fields instead of dependency theory which views the
development as a social process that includes several political , economic ,social
and technological variables it underlines a matter of embracing modern technology that
would deepen and increasing the gap between the developed and underdeveloped
countries . that's why this article comes to highlight more theoretical approaches
compatible and consistent with the nature and specificity of developing societies
Developing communities that have worked on bringing modern technology to advance its
economy and its development to detect the most important reflections imposed by
technical transfer in the world of significant transformations in all areas.


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How to Cite
HAMZAOUI, S. (1). Technology transfer to developing countries between the inevitability of the dependency school and the logic of historical specificity. Social Sciences Journal, 10(6), 61-76. Retrieved from