Modern strategic directions to improve the performance of human resources for organizations in light of the repercussions of the contemporary organizational environment - an analytical study according to the systems approach -

  • Chawki GUASMI University of Biskra ( Algeria)
  • Mohamed Lakhder HARZALLAH University of Biskra ( Algeria)
Keywords: Performance, human resources, organizations, contemporary organizational environment


This study seeks to identify landmarks of the modern strategic approach in the
investment and upgrading the performance of human resources for contemporary
organizations, and to clarify the essential modern policies to enhance human resources’
skills and competencies to conform with the major shifts of the modern organizational
environment , which is characterized by speed, instability, and strong and large
number of challenges, as well as the study aims to trace and extrapolate all
manifestations and implications of modern organizational environment, according to a
systematic perspective that identifies and explains laws, which governs the relationship
between the organization and its organizational environment ,and the impact of this on
human resources management, through the analysis of the strategic elements of the
open environmental system


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How to Cite
GUASMI, C., & HARZALLAH, M. L. (1). Modern strategic directions to improve the performance of human resources for organizations in light of the repercussions of the contemporary organizational environment - an analytical study according to the systems approach -. Social Sciences Journal, 10(4), 81-98. Retrieved from