The scout organization and its educational function in society - a reading of the program of the scout movement in Algeria -

  • Ahmed MESSAOUDI University of Telemcen (Algeria)
  • Fodhil HADHRI University of Telemcen (Algeria)
  • Fodhil HADHRI University of Telemcen (Algeria)
Keywords: Scout organization, educational function, institutions, development, Islamic Scout Program


This study attempts to highlight the educational function performed by the
scout association, as being one of the non-governmental educational institutions as
well as a voluntary and educational youth movement that contributes to the
general growth and development of society. The research involves the examination
of the Islamic Scouts’ programme in Algeria as a means through which the Scouts
bear the responsibility for the contribution towards the societal education aimed at
in the community. The present study explores, through a qualitative approach, the
forms and dimensions of the scouts’ educational action and performance, and the
degree to which they harmonize with various other social upbringing
establishments. It also sheds light on the scouts’ role in facing the social problems
and crises that may occur in the society


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How to Cite
MESSAOUDI, A., HADHRI, F., & HADHRI, F. (1). The scout organization and its educational function in society - a reading of the program of the scout movement in Algeria -. Social Sciences Journal, 10(3), 8-17. Retrieved from