Electronic public opinion in light of the new media: citizen journalism as a model

  • fatiha BOUGHAZI University of Alger 3 (Algeria)
Keywords: New media, electronic public opinion, journalism


One of the factors deep rooting the concept of citizen journalism in social
circles is to consider it as facts the traditional media fears to display or address. This
consideration created confusion for program and editorial policies and priority
order at the traditional media level, especially TV. In recent years, remarkable
interest emerged over society concerns; this interest is translated into a new attitude
in media work. If we study the nature of confusion, which currently happens in many
liberal and conservative communities, we will realize the communicative activity
depth of citizen journalism and its impact in shaping and building public opinion in a
manner makes this "journalism" like a power threatens the traditional influence of
official media. If we look at the nature of coexistence between both types, we will find
them vary depending on the political and cultural systems. In the context of this
study, we will try to know if citizen journalism is able to address the issues ignored in
the official media and the citizen or individual breaks the fence of silence and does
not fear to fall in its spiral as modern technology of communication provides a
platform for freedom of expression, blogging and posting. Hence, the main question
is: to which extent the citizen journalism exceeded the fence of silence and
liberalized the public opinion?


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How to Cite
BOUGHAZI, fatiha. (1). Electronic public opinion in light of the new media: citizen journalism as a model. Social Sciences Journal, 10(2), 112-126. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2880