Investigative journalism is a new approach to uncover corruption and achieve social values

  • Fadel Mohamed BADRANI Iraqi University (Iraq)
Keywords: Corruption, values, investigative journalism


If we consider the social problems that took an upward path in complexity
and crisis for the life of the individual and society, it is natural that this dilemma
paid specialists to search for multiple areas in order to reach logical solutions to
ensure individual rights and thoughtfulness of his duties to confirm his being
human in the construction, development and adoption of transparent behavior of
building nations. From that prompted the need for decades is not long to find a
new journalist style has been called "investigative journalism", which is known as
having certain qualities and social importance of essential news, based on the
research work controls professional neutral and not a leaked investigations of the
official authorities, show a pattern of multiple problems repeated, not just one
isolated incident, and reveal ways to correct the errors, and explain complex social
issues and reveal corruption and acts contrary to the law and the abuse of power
and so on. If we look at the survey experiment in the Western media, we find that
the term patrons who knew through "Btathm" the press such as "Bob Woodward,"
which starred his style investigative "Almsaela" when he made a great service to
the Western community in the detection of corruption, as that of investigative
journalism there are institutes and rules and experiences, and many funds paid in
case the fishing valuable. The Arab scene almost non-existent, but some attempts
here and there, yet it is modern experience, it characterized much of the risks for
their workers because of the absence or weakness of democratic awareness. The
press in general and the survey is one of the most races journalistic objectivity and
balance in the filming of reality, based on documented information and facts steps
scientific methodology in order to uncover the hidden and serve the public
interest. If this press color entering the modern era for the Arab Liberation rooms
in our region, it is a long way to prove presence and success in multi-actor
Western yards. Over the four years of continuous work Arabs in this area and the
efforts of the first Arab media organizations (ARIJ) to focus on involving Arab
journalists in the sessions to study the concept of investigative journalism in order
to complete the survey investigations on various issues of concern to public
opinion, professional specifications, it was to achieve some tangible thing , when
this experiment produced a number of investigations that will shed light on
various official breaches in the social, economic and even political and other


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How to Cite
BADRANI, F. M. (1). Investigative journalism is a new approach to uncover corruption and achieve social values. Social Sciences Journal, 9(4), 08-31. Retrieved from