Problems of the physically handicapped in southern Algeria

  • Benchohra GUERINAT University of laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: Physically handicapped, southern Algeria, married couples


The purpose of this study was to inverstigate the physically handicaped problems in the
south of Algeria and to explore the relationship between these proplems and to
gender ,Age, marital status , Profession, education level ,and place of residence .To achieve
this ,aquestionnaire , which demonstrated adequate reliabitiy and ;was developed for this
purpose .A sampler of 180 physically handicaped. in the south of Algeria (Laghouat
Ghardaia and Ouargla).
The results revealed that the degree of physically handicaped pro blems in the south of
Algeria were often ,it was also revealed that there were stastistically significant differnces
of physically handicaped due to marital status in favor of marrid individuals ,work favor of
not warking individuals and place of residence in favor of Village qnd level of education in
favor of disabled university holders . Moreover, tge study revealed that ther were non
significant differnces due to gender .


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How to Cite
GUERINAT, B. (1). Problems of the physically handicapped in southern Algeria. Social Sciences Journal, 8(4Special), 27-44. Retrieved from