Employment and social conditioning strategies and their relationship to organizational culture

  • Belkhir BASSAS University of laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: Recruitment, conditioning, organizational culture


Organizational culture of the externalenvironmentmaybeaffected, as a culture of the
community, as well as modern management methods and the transfer of new technology,
but youcan not ignore Ajtmaeithathatdistinguishthemfromother institutions, neitherthose of
the latter'spolicies in the construction and identifylandmarks, thisiswhatyoushould aspire
to today modern institutions undercontinuous and successive failures due to the neglect of
social interactions withinthisentity and to considerthat the problem lies in the social
structure and culture imposed by modern technology and methods of conduct and carry
from Western cultures are not suitable for such a placethat, and thatis no longer
convincing in the absence of strategies for the institution itself to determine organizational
culture desiredparametersthrough the selection of the elements of thisentity
(Employmentstrategy) and by instilling values and defineitsparameters (strategy of social


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How to Cite
BASSAS, B. (1). Employment and social conditioning strategies and their relationship to organizational culture. Social Sciences Journal, 8(4Special), 88-105. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2978