Effect of personal and academic variables on the level of university students' acquisition of time management skills A field study for students of the Institute of Science and Techniques of Physical Activity at the University of Laghouat and students of t
The study aims at identifying the effect of the personal variables (gender and age), the academic variables (the academic study track, the study level, the academic specialization) on the level of the study sample acquisition of the skill of time management. The sample includes 750. a questionnaire has been constructed to measure the degree of student acquisition of time management skill and has been subject to scientific conditions. The study concludes that there are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the level of acquisition of the study sample members for the time management skill attributed to the variable of the track of the academic study, the academic study specialization, and the gender variable. There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the study sample for the time management skill due to the academic level variable and the gender
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