The social representations of the feminale Djedb Khouniya “Arara” space in Djelfa City – as model-

  • Abdelkader HOMIDA University of djelfa ( Algeria)
Keywords: Mejdoub, representations, feminine, space, dominance


Through this article, we aim to understand the social representations of female «Jedb» in the local society. It is because the feminine has its peculiarities and its social position within the structures of our Arab and Islamic societies, these peculiarities which constituted for us a reason for questioning, and to achieve our objective, we defined "the space of the Khounia. Arara in the city of Djelfa” as a space of study, and the space here is in the interactive sense of Habermasian communicative (relating to Jürgen Habermas). We also used two techniques, participant observation and open-ended, unsupervised interview, on a snowball sample of 20 disciples. The theoretical approach is the so-called "central core" theory of Jean-Claude Abric, which is part of the major theory of "social representations". Closest to what we want in this article, and it has been reinforced by the approach that allows us to question symbolism in space from "symbolic capital", "dominance", "submission ","Reproduction" and "habitus", which is the approach of "Pierre Bourdieu".

After a sociological analysis which included the account of examples and the history of the "karama" which we have given as proof, on the structure of the "central core", we arrived at some results, the most important of which is that there is no limit in the "jedb" between genres, which means that the jedb has no genre.


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How to Cite
HOMIDA, A. (2023). The social representations of the feminale Djedb Khouniya “Arara” space in Djelfa City – as model- . Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 235-244.