Spread of Epidemic diseases between local specificity and health education, in the desert environment. Field Study in the Laghouat desert
The environment is the medium in which man lives and exercises his activity and obtains the essential elements of his life including food, health, shelter and other various needs. On this basis, the environment is not merely isolated physical or natural elements. Rather, it is a set of material, social, and cultural resources through which man seeks to satisfy his biological needs as well as aiding him in creating a pattern of relations throughout his interaction with others. Moreover, he can simply develop and secure his future and that of his successor.
Health and disease are a cornerstone of human interaction with their environment, where their activity is closely related to these factors. Essentially, health and disease are measures of the degree to which human groups can adapt to their environments in the presence of available biological, physical or cultural elements.The desert environment was one of the environments known for its harsh climate and nature. Its nomadic population tried to invest in natural and living components to obtain preventive and curative qualities for the diseases they encountered. Hence, the present study attempts to highlight the epidemiological diseases particularly Brucellosis and Leishmaniasis in the municipality of Tadjrouna in Laghouat. This study will tackle the injuries caused by this environment to all its inhabitants of the Bedouin. And to see how to exploit them for its aspects in the prevention and discovery of treatment through the so-called health culture.
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