The role of recreational sports physical activity in developing some personality traits among children hearing impaired

  • Zakaria HORMA University of laghouat (Algeria)
  • Bendjeddou redouan BAIT University of laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: recreational sports activity, personal traits of the hearing impaired


The study aimed to know the role of recreational sports physical activity in the development of some personality traits (responsibility-control _ social emotional balance) among hearing _ impaired _ children who are studding in the school of the blind in M’sila

Fourth year intermediate ‘So that the description approach was used and an international sample of 40 students was chosen ‘Divided into two categories ‘a practitioner of promotional sports physical activity ‘15 non –practicing students ‘and the application of the personality traits scale.

Prepared by « Gordon Albert » translation into Arabic by jaber and abu hatab. and the result showed that the promotional sport physical activity has a significant role in the development and achievement of personal traits

(Control _ responsibility _ emotional _ social balance) For the hearing impaired


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How to Cite
HORMA, Z., & BAIT, B. redouan. (2023). The role of recreational sports physical activity in developing some personality traits among children hearing impaired. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 430-441.