The theory practice sociology between Pierre Bourdieu and Bernard Lierre

  • Merieme CHRIET University of biskra (Algeria)
Keywords: Practice, habitus, multidimensional man, structural formation theory


Each sociologist has a different view of (individual-society) or (actor-structure), This is due to the different philosophical, methodological and theoretical references and trends. Where social theories that rely on macro analysis attach great importance to society in explaining social relations It considers that society is what makes the individual, On the other hand, the partial theorems of the entrance to the partial analysis of the actor give the primary in this relationship. It is considered to have a major role in building society. Between this and that, a third trend emerged that adopts a consensual view in its analysis of this relationship. In this regard, the theory of the social world emerged from Pierre Bourdieu. The multidimensional theory of man by Bernard Layer Finally, Anthony Githons' structural formation theory, Which attempts to provide an explanation and understanding of the actor's relationship to the structure. Accordingly, this research seeks to present the most important theoretical foundations for these theses, by asking the question:

 - What are the basic concepts of each thesis? 

- How do each of these sociologists analyze the relationship: subject-structure?

The researcher concluded that Layer considers the actor with multiple dimensions, carrying with him the society within him.

Unlike his teacher, Bourdieu, who considers him one-dimensional in terms of the homogeneity of the preparations that move the practice. Giddens argues that regular practices across time and space include the dialectical relationship between subject and structure.


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How to Cite
CHRIET, M. (2023). The theory practice sociology between Pierre Bourdieu and Bernard Lierre. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 493-509.