The role of Communication in the Management of Organisational Conflict in modern organisations –an analytical theoretical approach

  • Hicham KERMICHE University of Algiers 3 (Algeria)
  • Houria CHERIET University of Algiers 3 (Algeria)
Keywords: Communication in organiztions, conflict management methods, organizations, cognitive dissonance theory


Organisyional conflict has received wide attention from researchers and theorists in various administrative schools with all orientations. On the same line of thought, there are numerous methods for dealing with conflict in organisations, on this basis, the present study seeks to identify the strategic dimension of communication. The latter is considered as an important tool to confront and minimize conflicts caused by the environment of organisation. Furthermore, many studies confirmed that communication has a central role in managing conflict in the organisation especially in terms of opening channels for exchanging information and ideas at all organisational levels, such as listening to all employees and allowing them to express their views. Moreover, it also works on the cooperation and participation of everyone in the decision-making process. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to communication in the organisation, with the need to take into account the methods and skills of communication among leaders with all workers and employees in the organisation, and in a manner that mixes the strategy of initial cooperation and imposing force to ensure the stability and continuity of the organisation.


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How to Cite
KERMICHE, H., & CHERIET, H. (2023). The role of Communication in the Management of Organisational Conflict in modern organisations –an analytical theoretical approach. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 551-563.