Building the didactic or constructivist situation in the light of the competencies approach in the Algerian school: the fifth year of primary school as a model

  • Saleh GHILOUCE University of M'sila (Algeria)
Keywords: Didactic, didactic positivism, competencies approach


This study aimed to identify the construction of educational / learning situations in light of the competency approach in the Algerian school, the fifth year as a model, through a field study on a sample of teachers in the state of Setif, and we have prepared the study tool with codification, so that the tool contained building and formulating a situation A problem (problem) in the mathematics activity, and it is done in four axes for each adoption situation, and it was distributed to a sample consisting of 32 educational teams from two districts in the district of Bani Aziz, in the wilaya of Setif.

How to Cite
GHILOUCE, S. (1). Building the didactic or constructivist situation in the light of the competencies approach in the Algerian school: the fifth year of primary school as a model. Social Sciences Journal, 4(2), 22-40. Retrieved from