The child's personality between the temptations of modernization and the constraints of traditional upbringing

  • Omar ZAAFOURI Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Sfax-Tunisia
Keywords: Child, personality, constraints, practices, temptations


Through our study, we want to search for the personality of the child, by which we draw attention to the strength of the connection between practices on the child on the one hand, and the consolidation of the path of modernization in societies that were not yet ready to accept it on the other hand, and the category of children was not immune from these influences that fall under the influence of the media that They are channels for passing modernization ideologies by virtue of being monopolized by the ruling elites. Therefore, we want to reach analytical results of the child's personality between the various temptations and constraints on the other hand, according to the traditional upbringing.


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How to Cite
ZAAFOURI, O. (1). The child’s personality between the temptations of modernization and the constraints of traditional upbringing. Social Sciences Journal, 2(1), 1-8. Retrieved from