The postmodern city and citizen globalization and citizenship

  • Abdelali DEBLA University of Biskra ( Algeria)
Keywords: The city, citizenship, modernity


We are born in cities, we live in cities, and we die in cities. Cities have become the main place in the life of the individual in the twentieth century. Because of the importance of cities in the life of the individual, sociologists paid early attention to studying them and highlighting their effects on the lives of their inhabitants. The development of cities is considered one of the most prominent aspects of life in the twentieth century, and the growth and development of cities continues in the coming decades to the point where any other spatial organization will disappear with it. This development has an impact not on people's habits, traditions, and patterns of behavior, but rather on their thinking patterns. Nevertheless, the spread of cities As a positive global phenomenon, on the other hand, it was associated with other negative phenomena that affected people’s lives within cities: unemployment, poverty, housing crisis, overpopulation, random gatherings on the outskirts of cities, the spread of crime and deviations, inequality, (the culture of poverty), the deterioration of sanitation systems, and the lack of clean water. For drinking, environmental crises and pollution of all kinds.....etc.

How to Cite
DEBLA, A. (1). The postmodern city and citizen globalization and citizenship. Social Sciences Journal, 1(3), 12-23. Retrieved from

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