Distinctive of Social development language acquisition in children From the Toddler childhood phase to the middle childhood phase For Algerian Kindergarten Nannies
The research community and the laboratories of studies on the various scientific explanations of psychological processes, psycho-social and mental ones, which occur during the development of language, according to the views of different schools psychological and cognitive, which dealt with the various topics related to the individual in the environment with much interpretation and investigation.
The family is the child's sponsor, which is interacting with it, and it is considered the most important element in the development of his character in the development stage characterized by the child's abilities. In return we don’t forget the social environment that helps him to know and forms himself of interaction between him and members of his family.
Also, continuing care and parental emotions are of great importance to the child in acquiring language levels. As, the studies have found that children anonymized descent who camed from unknown families and who were raised in childcare centers have a significant linguistic delay at the beginning. Their gestures also express signs that their language is incomplete and the elements are poor in their cognitive content.
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