Physical activity and its effect on the general health of secondary school students
This study aims to show the important role that physical and sports activities play in influencing the general health and its social, psychological and physical dimensions of secondary school students, through a comparison between students who are practicing and students who are not practicing physical sports activity. The researcher used the public health scale to show whether there are statistically significant differences between students who practice physical activity and those who are not. Are there statistically significant differences between the students who practice physical activity in the institution only and the students who practice inside and outside the institution. Are there statistically significant differences according to the type of activity practiced and the number of times a week practiced in the public health scale. The researcher concluded that there are statistically significant differences between practitioners and non-practitioners of physical activity. There are no statistically significant differences between practitioners inside the institution and practitioners inside and outside the institution. There are statistically significant differences according to the type of activity practiced, as for the number of times a week practiced, there are no statistically significant differences
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