the relationship between emotional intelligence and positive thinking and their impact on academic decision-making among secondary school students
The current study aims to reveal the relationship between emotional intelligence and positive thinking on academic decision-making among secondary school students, and to find out the extent of the impact of intelligence on each of them. To achieve these two goals, the analytical descriptive approach was used in its correlational approach on a sample of 50 male and female students from the secondary school departments; This is in Mohamed Boudiaf High School in Afron, Blida Province. They were chosen randomly from some of the secondary schools in Blida Province. To collect data, the measure of emotional intelligence was relied upon by Baron, the measure of positive thinking prepared by Ali Turki Nafel Al-Qurashi, and the measure of the ability to make decisions and take responsibility, designed by researcher Khalifa Zouari (2011). The study found that there is a positive correlation with statistical significance between each of the Emotional intelligence, positive thinking and decision-making among secondary schoo students.
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