Internet addiction and its relationship to social isolation among university students
The current study sought to verify the objectives of: identifying the nature of the relationship between Internet addiction and social isolation, by determining the link between Internet addiction and a sense of psychological loneliness, as well as determining the link between Internet addiction and lack of mixing with others, and the results of statistical treatment showed the study showed that there is a weak relationship between Internet addiction and a sense of psychological loneliness. It also showed that there is a weak relationship between Internet addiction and lack of mingling with others, and that the two scales used in the study have high validity and reliability in the local environment.
The weak relationship between Internet addiction and a sense of psychological loneliness in the current study explained the many and varied positives of the Internet from the student’s use as an outlet for him, and a source for relieving his pressures, as many websites and electronic applications provide proof of himself and an expression of his independence, such as social networking sites that allow him to enter with virtual personalities. It is usually the image that he wishes to be, and thus plays a vital role in alleviating the tension and psychological pressures experienced by the student, also it is related according to the characteristics of his personality, and the extent of his willingness to enter into addiction, the university student may spend many hours in front of a computer screen or phone, without being addicted because his need for scientific research ends with that.
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