Organizational justice and its relationship to the empowerment of workers in the Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution for the state of Laghouat - an exploratory study
This study aimed to find out the nature of the relationship between organizational justice and the empowerment of workers in the Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution of the state of Laghouat, and the sample of the exploratory study reached 30 respondents from the employees of the organization under study distributed randomly, and the study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and in order to collect data, the questionnaire study tool was used represented in the five-pointed Likert scale, and based on the methods of descriptive statistical analysis and statistical measures such as standard deviations, test coefficients t-teste, arithmetic averages and correlation coefficients Pearson, the study found several results, the most important of which is that there is a strong positive positive relationship between organizational justice and the empowerment of workers in the Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution in the state of Laghouat, and that the more organizational justice practices in their three dimensions (distributive justice, procedural justice and transactional justice), the more effective the empowerment of workers through its three dimensions (work teams, delegation of authority and training).
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