The degree of sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums: instantaneous research as a model
The study aimed to reveal the extent of the sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums, and to verify the degree of sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums according to the variables of gender, academic qualification, years of experience, participation in attending scientific forums and participating in submitting working papers In scientific meetings. The scale of the extent of the sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums, prepared by the researcher, was applied to (87) An employee of the Ministry of Education in Oman.
The results revealed that the total degree of the sobriety of some educational research participating in the scientific forums scored an arithmetic mean (2.79), a standard deviation (0.45), and a degree of medium sobriety, and there were statistically significant differences in the extent of the sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums according to the gender variable and in favor of males, while there are no statistically significant differences in the extent of the sobriety of some educational research participating in scientific forums according to the variables of participation in attending, presenting working papers in scientific forums, Academic qualifications and years of experience. The study recommended a set of recommendations and suggestions to serve educational research.
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