Theoretical approaches to health sociology

  • Laid GAADA University of Laghouat ( Algeria)
  • Saadia KANDOUCI University of Laghouat ( Algeria)
Keywords: Disease, Health, Epidemic, Body, Medical Sociology, Sociology Health


The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries witnessed a rapid development in various kinds of sciences about the health and pathological aspects of human beings, namely medical sociology, which was concerned with both social and medical aspects of the individual's life, society and disease. And the first was the interest in sociology, including a branch of sociology that is medical by specialized doctors. They cautioned the importance of studying the phenomena of society in the health and medical aspects of diseases and treatments and the relationship of society and sociology with medicine in various phenomena and measures and social conditions that it takes to treat health and disease problems and attention to human beings in two concurrent ways that cannot be biologically separated. (Physical) and physiological (emotional) as the body is a "vital field" of medical science compatible with the complexities and complexities of different social contexts, And trying to formulate sociological approaches to health, which will highlight the diversity of theoretical jurisprudence on the subject, which is essentially due to multiculturalism, groups and individuals, as well as to different levels of progress in the medical and scientific fields, The underlying principle on which most approaches agree remains the attempt to understand medical practice conditioned on its status within its distinct cultural and social format.


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How to Cite
GAADA, L., & KANDOUCI, S. (2023). Theoretical approaches to health sociology. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 22-33.