Fast food and representations of health, body, what relationship? A field study with a sample of inhabitants of the city of Sidi Bel Abbes

  • Wahiba MAHIDA University of Sidi belabas ( Algeria)
  • Zaoui FEKROUNI University of Sidi belabas ( Algeria)
Keywords: Food, representations, social constraints, fast food, health, body


It is noted nowadays that the nutrition pattern has underwent several changes, which is part of the social and cultural change of society as a whole. Perhaps the most important of them is what touches on food issues and its records, cooking and its techniques, taste and its determinants, nutrition and its habits and forms of its practice… etc

In short, the symbolism and function of eating has changed and which has long been emphasized by anthropologists to a greater degree, and sociologists to a lesser extent on its importance in shaping the cultural characteristics and peculiarities of societies at different levels of development.

Nutrition has become an industry with its own mechanisms and system, which are not necessarily in line with the symbolism and rituals of nutrition, thus, it is inconsistent with its social and cultural significance.

Therefore, the aim of the article is to present elements of a different sociological thinking, which may give a greater understanding of the representations of the studied sample of the nature of the link between nutrition and the body. Although the concept of nutrition is a social and cultural product, it is at the same time a field of individual possibilities through their understanding and representation of nutrition and the body


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How to Cite
MAHIDA, W., & FEKROUNI, Z. (2023). Fast food and representations of health, body, what relationship? A field study with a sample of inhabitants of the city of Sidi Bel Abbes. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 65-79.