Diabetes in the adolescent child and the problem of living with the disease A case study of a young man with diabetes

  • Mohamed BOUALIT University of Laghouat ( Algeria)
Keywords: Diabetics, Adolescent child, Living with the disease, Self-enabling to take medicines, Dieting, Smooth reaction with symptoms.


In reality, diabetes is defined as high blood sugar level, which has been confirmed to be a chronic condition that results from a deficiency of the insulin hormone. Besides, the insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas gland so as to help blood sugar enter the cells of the body, whereat it turns into energy that helps the body to move. However, in the event that a defect would occur in this hormone, insulin decreases in the human body, sugar increases in the blood, and then the body will be unable to benefit from it; at this stage, a functional imbalance occurs in the human body, which defect has countless symptoms that the patient must know. Moreover, there are also many types of diabetes, and the blood sugar level can increase or decrease, whereat in both cases a functional problem will occur in the human body. More to the point, diabetes differs from one category to another, bearing in mind that the diabetes of children is not similar to the one of adult people.

In terms of treatment methods, they are different especially for insulin case, and the same applies for its symptoms, seeing that specific symptoms appear in case of low blood sugar, which different from these appearing in case of high blood sugar. Subsequent to which, such symptoms differ in each case and the treatment thereof is alike different. In virtue of which, we shed light, in this research, on a specific category of diabetic patients, who represent the category of adolescent children who suffer from the problem of diabetes, whether it is genetic or acquired, as the child must live in this case with the disease since he has a problem at the beginning of his own life and he has to accept, as consequence, the fact of his disease and follow the daily steps in his life, starting from taking medicines and keeping away from symptoms, the fact of which makes him different from other people as he suffers from this problem, either in the play areas, school or the sport halls. In the light of which, we really would like here to deal with this issue in our present research, through raising the following question: How do we enable the child to smoothly live with the disease without having health or psychological problems?


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How to Cite
BOUALIT, M. (2023). Diabetes in the adolescent child and the problem of living with the disease A case study of a young man with diabetes. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 80-86. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v17i3(Special).3697