Social support and its relationship to the mental and physical health of patients with renal failure. A field study of a sample of renal insufficiency patients at the renal filtration center, Prof. Kamal Sehairi, Laghouat.

  • Imad NBEG University of Laghouat ( Algeria)
  • Houria LEBOUABI University of Ghardaia (Algeria)
Keywords: Chronic diseases, kidney failure, social support, mental health, physical health, social compatibility


The progress of societies and the continuation of research in the human sciences led to the development of new techniques to examine the side effects of chronic diseases on the patient's psyche, and among these diseases is renal failure, which often results as complications of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. And chronic renal insufficiency affects the patient’s emotional and cognitive condition and his psychological and social compatibility, and thus the patient needs support and assistance from family, friends, hospital institutions, and psychological and social support institutions, i.e., what is known as social support that is related to mental and physical health of the patient and therefore his perseverance and compliance with treatment. Accordingly, this intervention came to reveal the problems suffered by patients with renal insufficiency and the relationship of social support with their psychological and physical health and their social compatibility through a study of a sample of patients with renal insufficiency at the Kidney Dialysis Center Professor Kamal Suhairi in Laghouat


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How to Cite
NBEG, I., & LEBOUABI, H. (2023). Social support and its relationship to the mental and physical health of patients with renal failure. A field study of a sample of renal insufficiency patients at the renal filtration center, Prof. Kamal Sehairi, Laghouat. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 137-145.