Gender and Inequality of Land Ownership in Morocco - Case of Soulaliya’s Women in the Gharb
Morocco's collective land morphology paints an unequal social and sexual division, based in its production of ethnic masculine groups on the cultural custom of producing a social imagination, infiltrating identity into the consciousness of individuals, and communicating social unit chains, forming a transnational identity of the body, sphere and man, and founding a collective identity of communities. It is a continuous transition through individuals' natural and cultural existence, into public policies. Legislation becomes a combination of the incorporation of positive law and the local cultural harmonization of the custom line in Morocco's public policy development. It is the sociological betting that this study attempts to stop at its limits that underscores the scientific importance of this work in understanding the sociological pradigms of communities, based on new gender relationships in collective lands, and ways to empower their weaker dynastic women circles.
Keywords: Gendre, Soulaliyat women, collective land, Empowerment.
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