Local development in the shadow areas - An analytical study of development projects for the shadow areas in the state of Laghouat

  • Ahmed MKADEM University of Laghouat (Algeria)
  • Mohamed DERR University of Laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: shadow areas, local development, Development, Development projects


The state’s interest in local development, especially what relates to shadow areas has made it a basic requirement that all states seek to achieve for the sake of economic growth and social justice that contribute to thewell-being of the various regions of these states through fairand thoughtful development programs that are in linewith the requirements and needs of these areas.

Hence our study came to investigate the development projects witnessed in some shadow areas the state of Laghouat by presenting and analyzing themand demonstrating the degree of their contribution to improving the lives of the residents of these areas.


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Arabic-Romanized references:
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How to Cite
MKADEM, A., & DERR, M. (1). Local development in the shadow areas - An analytical study of development projects for the shadow areas in the state of Laghouat. Social Sciences Journal, 18(2), 181-190. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/3990

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