Effective communication within the university institution and its role in ensuring the quality of higher education - Sociological study
Communication at the University institution is not only important but also indispensable because it is the main pillar through which the good performance of all assigned tasks from the highest level to the below is ensured, so the communication is treated as a safety valve to improve the quality of the university in terms of The modern methods of communicating with the various actors in this institution from administrators, employees, professors, students and even from the various social partners who have a relationship with them, where the most important role of communication within them is to increase the value of the pedagogical performance of the student first class and then the preparation of the floor To the researcher on the one hand and provide mechanisms for the application of methods of communication for employees and administrators who are in charge of maintaining the general and common interests of the University institution.
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موقع جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف https://www.univ-chlef.dz/
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