The role of strategic management of human resources in achieving the objectives of the organization
The human resource is one of the most important strategic resources, which is the most important for the institution, since it determines the opportunities of the institution to survive and success and progress, and it determines the ability of the institution to compete and to excel on the other institutions in the market. The management and management of human resources has become an important responsibility because the achievement of the organization for its objectives, foremost of which is to raise productivity and improve its performance is closely related to raising productivity and improving the performance of its personnel. To this end, it requires the management of the institution to develop the abilities, skills and talents of individuals as well as creating climate and atmosphere Which are suitable for human creativity. This requires changes in their characteristics, abilities, skills and cultures. This process should be supported by a number of factors, including: appropriate incentives, good management policies, effective management, Except in both directions. In the context of a rapidly changing dynamic environment, the creation and development of human resources management and the attention of individuals working in the institution have become necessary and imperative in order to achieve the objectives of the economic institution.
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