Rural woman, her characteristics, her roles, and her problems and social awareness Towards her characteristics and roles
Women are half the society, but all of society, but their relationship with the man is some rib, and the pillar of his home, and assisted him, which is not broken and not rest, and half of which is completed by his life, and his partner, who works relentlessly in favor of the company, which is designed to continue the seed and remembrance, The woman, who has all these characteristics and does all these roles, has not been given his place in many ancient and modern societies, especially rural women, despite the constant movement in her home and field, and with its distortions, it still coexists with many problems. Aura It also aims to shed light on some rural women's revolutions, some of their characteristics, and some of their problems as well. These papers also aim to explore the awareness of our Algerian society about the characteristics and roles of rural women.
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