سياسة الأرشيف


In order to digitally preserve all published scholarly content, Social Sciences Journal commits to submit all contents of the journal (Issues & Articles) to The PKP Preservation Network (PLN) that will preserve content of any journal using Open Journal Systems (OJS), regardless of where it is hosted and who publishes the journal. 

Social Sciences Journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Now all the contents of Social Sciences Journal are archived on the Keepers Registry (acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for continuing resources including e-serials). 

This is to make sure that the published scholarly content by Social Sciences Journal remains available to the community despite any accidental loss of data in its personal archival records. Social Sciences Journal has further made sure that the metadata of all of its contents is compliant to PKP PN and their digital crawlers.

In addition, all published papers in our journal are also archived and preserved in the archive system in Algeria: Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (ASJP)

Please check Our Archive in there.

This service allows to create an advance searchable index of journal archive and to keep a record of all the open access archives of the Algerian journals that contain information a broad array of subjects with multidisciplinary knowledge with an aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content and increasing the availability of scholarly communication.