Islamisation of humanities: mechanisms,obstacles,fate

  • Abdelkarim ANAYAT University of setif2 (Algeria)
  • Hyzia HAFIDI University of setif2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Islamism, logic, humanities, objectivity, civilization


The question to befaced by every thinker who belongs to the Islamic civilization is whether knowledge is generallybelonging to a religion or isit non-denominational? Is the scientific position related to the civilization position or is it independent and has a scientific presence in isolation fromany cultural specificities? Whatstatuswouldknowledge have if itwasdelivered, Judaized? Thenis not thisprocesssimilar to the process of Americanization of knowledge, or the cloudsor the Europeanization? The differenceis no substitute for models. Is itthat as soon as weadd an Islamiccharacter to the science of logic or sociology, wewill have absoluteknowledgethatisbeyonddoubt and innovation? All these questions are the subject of thisstudy to examine the problem of Islamization of the humanities in ancient and contemporarycontexts in order to uncover their mechanisms, obstacles and results


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How to Cite
ANAYAT, A., & HAFIDI, H. (2020). Islamisation of humanities: mechanisms,obstacles,fate. Social Sciences Journal, 13(2Add1), 19-42. Retrieved from