Urbanization and Housing problem in Algeria

  • Omar ABASS University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Urbanization, Urban rural migration, Housing, housing problem


The purpose of this research is to expose the phenomenon of urbanization, as a
phenomenon which affects all societies, is to talk about its concept and its history
in Algeria and its characteristics which distinguish it from the other societies. And
we will also expose the phenomenon of the rural exodus, because it is one of the
main causes of urbanization in Algeria, as well as its main causes, and finally, we
will show the impact of this phenomenon in the Algerian city, by focusing on the
problem of housing as one of the major effects caused by the urbanization.


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How to Cite
ABASS, O. (1). Urbanization and Housing problem in Algeria. Social Sciences Journal, 12(1), 13-28. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2596