Propaganda and religious advocacy directed at children in satellite channels for children

  • Hachem Ahmed naghimech HAMMAMI International Islamic Science University Amman (Jordan)
Keywords: Propaganda, children, channels


This research is one of the types of descriptive research, which followed a survey method
for the analysis of data related to television programs that were presented in the channel Taha
television for children, and in the theoretical side touched research to advocate religious
propaganda, and the importance of television to an audience of children, and in the analytical
part definition of research has Find touched to the religious content of television programs
analyzed, by answering the question (how it was said), and there were the results of the research,
including: that the proportion directed to children's religious programs in Taha channel was
(20.08%) of the total television programs covered by the sample selected for research, provided
these materials in three forms: (a song, film accompanying commentary, narrative program and
dialogue), showing that Taha channel provided through these three forms, the contents related to
faith and law and ethics, as they made these programs accent Arab countries, namely : Lebanese,
Arab and tune Persian (Iranian)


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How to Cite
HAMMAMI, H. A. naghimech. (1). Propaganda and religious advocacy directed at children in satellite channels for children. Social Sciences Journal, 9(5), 8-30. Retrieved from