Sociological perception of the concepts of health and disease

  • Malika ARAOUR AMRI University of Biskra ( Algeria)
  • Aida MEGUELLATTI University of Batna1 ( Algeria)
Keywords: Sociology of health, health, disease, health event, health phenomenon, disease phenomenon


A person's health is the true measure of his happiness, well-being, and activity. Likewise, health carries a deep reality within it, and it is the basis for the continuity of life. An individual cannot practice his life and perform his usual activities without enjoying sound health. There is no doubt that the person who enjoys success in practicing his profession and specialty is the one who He enjoys vitality, activity, and happiness in his relationships with other individuals, because the success of individuals and their superiority requires a healthy body and high health in order for their lives to be crowned with success, which is what made man seek new and advanced discoveries in terms of technology and progress in order to harness them for his healthy life, as these discoveries help to Depositing more ways and methods that make him practice his life with full vitality, active movement, and appreciation of his physical and intellectual energy, and this can only be achieved by practicing sound healthy lifestyles. Being the real guarantee for improving the health of the individual in particular and society in general


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How to Cite
ARAOUR AMRI, M., & MEGUELLATTI, A. (2023). Sociological perception of the concepts of health and disease. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 1-11.