A conceptual introduction to what health and chronic diseases are

  • Toufik BOUKHDOUNI University of Djidjel (Algeria)
  • Elaid CHERIFA University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: health, chronic diseases


Chronic diseases are health problems that lie within the human body and continue to live with it throughout   his life after infection with it, as they are diseases that last for long periods and develop slowly in most cases, and there are types of these chronic diseases, and with the spread of, for example, the Corona epidemic, the owners of these diseases have become among the categories   According to the World Health Organization and published on its official website, chronic diseases are at the forefront of the most important causes of death in the world, as they stand behind the occurrence of more than 63% of the total annual deaths, and a quarter of all people who lose their lives as a result of Infection with chronic diseases under the age of 60 years, and this is what we will discuss in this research paper, as we will address the definitions of the concept of health and chronic diseases in the field of specialization


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How to Cite
BOUKHDOUNI, T., & CHERIFA, E. (2023). A conceptual introduction to what health and chronic diseases are. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 34-41. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v17i3(Special).3693