Contributing factors to early divorce within the Palestinian community from the divorcees' perspective

  • Ahmed Mohamed Alrantisi Islamic University in Gaza (Palestine)
Keywords: Early divorce, Palestinian community


The study aimed to determine Contributing factors to early divorce within the Palestinian community from the divorcees' perspective, study was applied to the female and male attendants on the Sharia court in Gaza, the Saraya branch, and the Directorate of Social Development in Gaza and they number (87). The results of the study found that higher of contributing factors to early divorce within the Palestinian community. It is represented by psychological factors, followed by economic factors, social and cultural factors, and finally health factors. The study also found statistically significant differences at (α ≤ 0.05) in contributing factors to early divorce from the divorcees' perspective, attributed to the age variable, for the benefit of the elderly (18) years and under, while the study indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at (α ≤ 0.05) in contributing factors to early divorce from the divorcees' perspective, attributed to the variable of the educational level and the variable of monthly income.


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How to Cite
Alrantisi, A. M. (2020). Contributing factors to early divorce within the Palestinian community from the divorcees’ perspective. Social Sciences Journal, 14(2Add), 9-32.